Private school girl

Category: Big Boob Pics, Big Tits, Solo", Video | Date: 12 August 2018 Private school girl

Angela White dressed for school. This is not a stretch of the imagination. Angela went to a university in Australia, but she did not wear anything like this.

"I usually wear my little Dickie dresses," Angela informed us. "The brand Dickie came out with little dresses. I always have to order my Dickies from America and pay three times as much. They call them their nurse dresses. They're short and they button all the way up, and they come in different colors."

In this video. Angela is amazingly talented and extroverted for a new model who'd just graduated from high school. She seems to be as much at home in the SCORE Studio as she would be in her own private bedroom. Jiggling her big, gorgeous tits or rotating a toy dick in and out of her wet pussy, Angela savors every second of the moment as our behind-the-scenes cam records the horny Aussie babe at play.

Private school girl

See More of Angela White at BIGTITANGELAWHITE.COM!

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